How to Make Yourself Burp? Know the Quick Ways Now

Building up gas in your body after a heavy diet can make you feel uncomfortable. It is vital to remove the gas so that you can start feeling comfortable again. If the gas is not coming out naturally, there are some tactics that you can use to make yourself burp and eventually the pressure will be released. Read ahead to know how to make yourself burp using the following methods.

Drink Carbonated Beverages

how to make yourself burp

Love drinking a carbonated beverage? Use it this time for burping out. Take any carbonated beverage, soda, beer or anything and drink it quickly, this will build up pressure in your stomach and you will burp out eventually. These drinks contain gases and that will build pressure in your stomach. Don’t drink it slowly, rather drink it quickly to have the best effect.

Airy Foods will do the Work for You

how to make yourself burp

There are some airy foods that will help your burp. Apple is one of the foods that you must have as it is airy. An apple has a good amount of air which gets released when you chew and digest it. You can have chewing foods as well, like some rubber candies, chewing gum as it will require little bit pressure to chew them and it will lead to burp.


Do Quick Movements

One of the effective ways of releasing the gas in your stomach is to do some form of exercise. Doing some quick movement will make the gas come out. If you are sitting, you can stand up and walk for sometime, you can even run or jog for a while. Perform sit ups as it is one of the best ways for burping out. Do some physical exercise which involves your stomach. You can lay down on your stomach and then curl your knees towards your chest, this will work well.

These were some of the ways on how to make yourself burp and release the accumulateds in your stomach. If you are having a frequent problem of stomach ache or gas issues, you should consult a doctor and follow the diet that they recommend, this is very important to solve the problem permanently.

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