Sweet Taste in Mouth During Pregnancy

Sweet taste in mouth early pregnancy
Source: medicalnewstoday.com

Pregnancy not only brings a child into life, but brings hell lot of hormonal change, mood swings, cravings and what not. One of the symptoms found is a sweet taste in the mouth during early pregnancy.

While pregnancy is the most beautiful period in a woman’s life, it also comes with some weird symptoms to go through. In addition to that, no other happiness can replace the happiness of being pregnant and giving birth to a new life.

Sweet taste in mouth early pregnancy
Source: newstricky.com

Just after eating sweets, if you have an aftertaste of sweet in your mouth, it is considered to be normal. But, if that sweet taste keeps persisting you really need to check it out with your doctor. It is found that if there is a sweet taste or a metallic taste in your mouth for quite a long time, chances are there you are pregnant !

Women undergo so many different changes in their body during their pregnancy period. Giving birth to a child is not as easy as you think. Women need to go through behavioral changes, sudden mood swings, loss of appetite and many more. Just like the sweet taste in your mouth during pregnancy.

Sweet taste in mouth early pregnancy
Source: eclinic.ng

Pregnancy causes changes in women’s bodies. Hormonal level and digestive system, both of them can affect your taste and smell. Due to this one can experience an unexplainable sweet taste in their mouth.

What Causes Sweet Taste During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your estrogen and progesterone levels happen to increase to help your body for growing a baby. The increase in hormones can cause your body to behave differently.

These changes in your body are generally found during your early pregnancy as your body is coping up with the fact of being pregnant.

Sweet taste in mouth early pregnancy
Source: medicalnewstoday.com

You can also sometimes feel like not liking your cult-favorite food during pregnancy and liking those foods which you have hated your entire life. The change in your sense of food taste can be caused due to the pregnancy hormones build up in your body.

Generally, these kinds of hormonal changes are found during your first trimester. This is because your body is new to the pregnancy period and so some changes in your body will be determined in the first phase of pregnancy.

While pregnant, sweet taste in the mouth is one such common symptom found in women, but apart from that many women also experience metallic taste in their mouth which is also quite common.

Sweet taste in mouth early pregnancy
Source: medicalnewstoday.com

Some women experience a sweet taste in their mouth during pregnancy while other women experience metallic or salty taste in their mouth. The reason behind the metallic taste is the same as the sweet taste.

How to Deal With Sweet Taste?

Sweet taste in mouth early pregnancy
Source: newstricky.com

No medication can perfectly get you rid of the sweet taste in your mouth but it can somehow decrease the effect of it. Follow some of the below mentioned tips to deal with the sense of taste.

  • Eat some spicy and a bit salty food items to change your mouth taste.

  • You can also eat some sugar-free mint chocolates or chewing gum to help in changing your taste buds.

  • Citric juices can also help in changing your mouth taste.

  • Food items like ice-chips, ice-pops and ice-creams can maybe help you in improving your taste buds.

Sweet taste in mouth early pregnancy
Source: eclinic.ng

These are some of the tips you can work on to see some changes in your mouth taste. These tips will not completely take away your sweet taste but for a while, it can make you feel better.


While pregnant, sweet taste in mouth is found very common so, you don’t need to worry about it. If you feel like the taste in your mouth is persisting and is not making you feel good, you should probably visit your gynecologists for the same.

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